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The most powerful health plan ever created. Period.

We have fundamentally reimagined health care with our level and self-funded health plans. Gone are the days of mere access to care. The future of healthcare is about one thing - health outcomes, because when employees thrive, employer's health plans thrive also.

The video to the left shows how, through our partnership with Envita, we've been able to finally shift this paradigm. What was pharma-driven care confined to outdated insurance billing codes is now outcome-driven care personalized at the individual level.

The above video shows exactly what the future of level and self-funded plans will look like. By combining Envita's vast infrastructure in cutting-edge personalized medical technologies, world-class integrative physicians, and specialized healthcare services with our risk-optimized level and self-funded frameworks, NIS is able to deliver the ultimate blend of employee care and cost savings.

Download our full plan service list and see how radically different this plan truly is:

Employers who partner with us typically save over 30% in total healthcare costs and skyrocket talent attraction and retention after implementing this plan, but what we pride ourselves on more is the fact that no plan has such a powerful impact on employees and their families. Employees are able to truly optimize their health to make sure they're able to reach their highest potential, while also having peace of mind that their families have access to the best medical care in the country.

Pioneering the shift to functional Medicine 3.0

  • Countless people reversing chronic disease and being taken
    off of "lifelong medications"

  • 3000% better outcomes on complex diseases like cancer at 50% the cost compared to conventional oncology through exclusive access to integrative, precision treatment centers

  • Orthopedic surgery being swapped out for regenerative medicine

  • Numerous people being cured of their "mystery illnesses," such as autoimmunity and complex GI issues

Cancer treatment at Envita Center of Excellence vs any other health plan renting out a BUCA network (fully-insured or self-funded)

  • Drug savings beyond what any PBM or discount program can come close to matching. Our partner MSO possesses an in-house pharmacy with their own chemists to compound specialty medications, provides drug-free alternatives including physician grade supplements and lifestyle change guidance, and offers pharmacogenomics to identify optimally effective biosimilars - mail ordered directly to employees

Ready to Reduce Your Health Plan
Costs and Become a Pioneer in Employee care?

The impact of this plan

Level-funding (Starting at 25 members): The employer will engage in partial self–funding‚ committing to pay out a set amount but unlike an insurance policy‚ the employer retains any unspent claim funds. This approach allows companies of 25 or more‚ to establish an excellent health plan‚ while retaining the economic benefits. Historically our SimpleFunding brand of level funding has delivered savings of $1800-$2,200 per employee per year over the fully-insured option.

Level / Self- Funding 101

Self–funded insurance (Typically starting at 300 members): Is generally cheaper as the employer assumes the risk of the plan. Some risk is mitigated by purchasing stop-loss insurance, but from year to year individuals can be exempted from the stop-loss coverage. These plans require careful consideration to design but offer the greatest reward when the employment population is large enough to spread the risk.